
Insights and best practice that deliver successful Data Migrations.

How Professional Services can help your Data Migration

How Professional Services can help your Data Migration

The demand for skilled professionals in NZ is on the rise, with a recent PwC Report stating that CEO’s are concerned about the skills gap across their employees, especially when it comes to technical expertise. In fact, the majority of CEO’s (83%) report they have a...
10 things to consider in a Data Migration

10 things to consider in a Data Migration

Data migration can be complex, but with the right expertise, you can conquer it. Have a read of our 10 things to watch out for in your Data Migration project and keep these front of mind as you build out your Data Migration Strategy.  Make sure your data is...
Why IT Migrations continue to Matter

Why IT Migrations continue to Matter

Technology is an incredibly dynamic and varied field, making IT migrations necessary for businesses across industries and for a multitude of reasons. From increased business efficiency and productivity to staying competitive by delivering to customer needs, the...
Data Migration Scripts 

Data Migration Scripts 

As businesses grow, technology advances and data quantity grows, the task of moving data from one system to another is increasingly important – and challenging.  This is where data migration scripts come to the rescue, acting as the unsung heroes of data migration...
Mastering the Migration Phase

Mastering the Migration Phase

The data migration journey can be both exhilarating and challenging for organisations looking to modernise their systems or transition to more robust platforms. The migration phase, often considered the heart of the entire process, is where you qualify and then...
Planning for a Data Migration: The Migration Design phase 

Planning for a Data Migration: The Migration Design phase 

When it comes to data migration there’s a lot riding on the right outcome, so the effort put into up front planning will show in the results. Allocating a significant portion of resources to detailed planning allows for thorough analysis, risk mitigation, design and...
Stakeholder Management Tips for your Data Migration

Stakeholder Management Tips for your Data Migration

When you think data migration it’s probably all the technical aspects that come to mind. But what about the people? Stakeholders play a key part in any project, so we’ve made a list of stakeholder management tips for your data migration.   Identify stakeholders early:...
Data Profiling: Starting your Migration right

Data Profiling: Starting your Migration right

Starting a Data Migration journey without thorough preparation can lead to unexpected detours, roadblocks, and even disasters. It’s like setting off on a road trip without a map or GPS, who knows where you might end up. To avoid going off the beaten track you...
Considerations for building a Data Migration Strategy 

Considerations for building a Data Migration Strategy 

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data management, businesses face the constant challenge of migrating data from one system to another. Whether it’s transitioning to a new software platform, upgrading your infrastructure, or consolidating databases, a...